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About Rachel

Rachel grew up in a rural community. She learned the lie of the land from the back of a horse. Her mother's mother was of gypsy lineage and her father's family on his mother's side were blacksmiths. Rachel worked in community theatre in her 20s and then with horses on Dartmoor. Rachel has also worked on farms, including hill farming, relief milking and doing field work with a Shire horse called Meg for a farm-based charity. She spent some time living off grid on a mountain in Ireland before returning to Dartmoor, where she married a hill farmer. Rachel has 3 sons.
In 2010, Rachel trained as a copywriter. She did some subbing for Greenpeace, wrote the Green Page for Broad Sheep Magazine for several years, helped to promote a railway line and walking trail across Wales and wrote copy for the launch of a hydrogen fuel cell car.
Rachel is currently carer for her mum, who has Alzheimer’s. It’s the toughest job yet, and writing fiction is her virtual escape back to the hills.

So, how do you come by it yourself?
“Oh we trade,” she said.
“It’s not from a shop?”
“You can’t get it in the shops … there’s a couple of local pubs serve it.”
“So how did you get it?”
“My husband grows his own seed potatoes and rears ferrets. We trade them the old way, between ourselves.”
“You mean you traded seed potatoes for Wood Smoke whisky?”
“And a couple of ferrets.”
“Isn’t that illegal?”
“No,” she said, “it’s just the old fashioned, neighbourly way of making ends meet.” R.Francis, Author
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